Centre for Equity Studies, New Delhi
If the COVID-19 pandemic lashes India with severity, it will not be just the middle class who will be affected. India’s impoverished millions are likely to overwhelmingly bear the brunt of the suffering which will ensue. The privileged Indian has (...)
In Uttar Pradesh, police bias and the scale of violence against the minorities are plumbing new depths Uttar Pradesh is in the throes of what is fast becoming a gravely culpable crime against humanity. It may not be an exaggeration to say that (...)
L’opposition indienne apparaît fort démunie face au rouleau compresseur de haine du pouvoir réactionnaire, nationaliste et raciste du premier ministre Modi et de son parti Bhartiya Janata. À contre-courant, des militants des droits humains, des (...)
The government has notified a Draft Land Reforms Policy which, on paper, has all the requisites of an earnest programme. Yet, the near total failure of earlier efforts at land reforms in India leave little room for hope that something (...)