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Statement on ISDS and climate

Civil society organisations (including CETRI) are calling on governments to remove the threat that ISDS (investor state dispute settlement) poses to the climate. The following statement outlines our primary concerns and demands. We seek to put pressure on our governments as they meet at COP 27 in November 2022.

Investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) threatens climate action. As the UN climate conference COP 27 starts, we call on governments around the world to put an end to this unjust and dangerous system.

Many trade and investment agreements include ISDS mechanisms. ISDS empowers transnational corporations to sue governments in secretive tribunals outside of the national legal system over law and policy changes that they fear could reduce their profits.

For many years, oil, gas, mining, extractives and energy corporations have brought hundreds of ISDS cases against countries - energy and mining cases make up 42% of known ISDS cases [1]. Now there are an increasing number of cases that directly challenge climate policy. Fossil fuel corporations are already suing over coal phase out, the cancellation of a tar sands oil pipeline, a ban on offshore oil drilling and fracking regulation. Industry insiders themselves expect these cases may be only a foretaste, given the scale of fossil fuel ‘stranded assets’ [2].

This year’s IPCC report was clear that ISDS risks blocking the phase out of fossil fuels [3]. It specifically highlights the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT), which many of the fossil fuel corporations are using and which developing countries are currently being pushed to join.

The key risks from ISDS for tackling the climate crisis are :

Increasing the cost of climate action

Corporations can claim vast amounts of taxpayer money through ISDS, often far higher than in domestic courts. Claims in recent climate cases have been in the billions, and they often include a large amount for hypothetical future profits. This surpasses the ability of many countries to pay, making the climate transition unaffordable.

Regulatory chill
The fear of being sued may cause countries to delay or decide against taking action that is needed on climate. Countries have already admitted that this is happening [4]. The threat of ISDS can be used to bully governments into backing down. After decades of inaction, the world simply cannot afford fossil fuel companies using ISDS to sue the world into climate paralysis.

Communities at the frontlines of the climate crisis are often at the heart of ISDS claims through struggles against destructive mining and other extractive projects.

We must urgently get rid of the ISDS system. The evidence of years of damage to the environment, land, health and self-determination of peoples all around the world is stark, and the renewed urgency of the climate imperative is beyond doubt. Reform proposals are weak, ineffective and totally inadequate for what is needed. Governments must take immediate action to put an end to the risks of ISDS.

We know this can be done, because some countries have started doing so. Countries such as South Africa, India, New Zealand, Bolivia, Tanzania, Canada and the US have all taken steps toward getting rid of ISDS.

Practical options for action include :

  • Stop :

- negotiating, signing or ratifying any new agreements that include ISDS, such as EU deals with Mexico and Chile

- joining existing agreements that include ISDS, such as the ECT (Energy Charter Treaty), CETA (Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement) or CPTPP (Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership)

- extending existing agreements to include ISDS, such as RCEP (Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership) or AfCFTA (African Continental Free Trade Area)

  • Terminate or exit existing agreements with ISDS, such as the ECT
  • Withdraw from, and withhold consent to, the use of ISDS
  • Explore alternatives to ISDS including investment risk insurance, international collaboration to strengthen domestic legal systems, and human rights mechanisms

As countries gather for COP 27, we call on governments to commit to remove the threat that ISDS poses to climate goals by getting rid of this unjust and dangerous system.


Signatories :


ActionAid International

Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID)


CADTM International Network

Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL)


DAWN (Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era)

Emmaüs International

Friends of the Earth International



Health Care Without Harm

International Alliance of Inhabitants

Just Associates (JASS)

Oxfam International

Project HEARD

Society for International Development

Transnational Institute

Acción por la Biodiversidad

Akina Mama wa Afrika

Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe

Corporate Europe Observatory

European Coordination Via Campesina

European Environmental Bureau

European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU)

Focus on the Global South

foodwatch International

Natural Justice

Pacific Network on Globalisation

Pacto Ecosocial e Intercultural del Sur

Pascal International Members Association (PIMA)

Plataforma América Latina mejor sin TLC

Project on Organizing, Development, Education, and Research (PODER)

Public Service International- PSI Americas

Quaker Earthcare Witness

Reality of Aid-Asia Pacific

Sisters of Mercy of the Americas Justice Team

Southern and Eastern Trade Information and Negotiations Instituete- SEATINI Uganda.

Women In Development Europe+ (WIDE+)

Asamblea Argentina mejor sin TLC, Argentina

Asamblea Jáchal No Se Toca, Argentina

ATTAC Argentina, Argentina

Diálogo 2000-Jubileo Sur Argentina, Argentina


Fundación Grupo Efecto Positivo, Argentina

Tierra Nativa / Amigos de la Tierra Argentina, Argentina

ActionAid Australia, Australia

Aid/Watch Australia, Australia

Australian Fair Trade and Investment Network, Australia

Community and Public Sector Union, Australia

Friends of the Earth Australia, Australia

GeneEthics, Australia

Music Trust, Australia

Sutherland Shire Environment Centre, NSW, Australia

Union Aid Abroad - APHEDA, Australia

Uniting Church in Australia, Synod of Victoria and Tasmania, Australia

AK EUROPA, Austria

Anders Handeln, Austria

Attac Austria, Austria

Dreikönigsaktion der Katholischen Jungschar, Austria

Informationsgruppe Lateinamerika, Austria

Österreichischer Gewerkschaftsbund, Austria

Proge, Austria

transform !at, Austria

Welthaus der Kath. Aktion Wien, Austria

WIDE - Network for Women´s Rights and Feminist Perspectives in Development, Austria

ZAMMM Aktivismus für eine zukunftsfähige Gesellschaft, Austria

ELA Euskal Sindikatua (Basque Workers Solidarity), Basque Country / Euskal Herria

CADTM Belgium, Belgium

Centre national de coopération au développement (CNCD-11.11.11), Belgium

Centre tricontinental - CETRI, Belgium

Entraide et Fraternité, Belgium

Fédération des Services Sociaux, Belgium

FOS.ngo, Belgium

Links Ecologisch Forum - Forum Gauche Ecologie, Belgium

vzw Climaxi, Belgium

Ayllu Larikuna, Bolivia

Consumidores Conscientes, Bolivia

Fundación Solón - Bolivia, Bolivia

Programa de Asistencia Agrobioenergetica al Campesino PAAC , Bolivia

SOMOS SUR, Bolivia

Association Earthlings, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Associação Alternativa Terrazul Brasil, Brazil

Associação Escola Sem Muros GRUPO ECO, Brazil


Centro de Tecnologias Alternativas Populares, Brazil

Centro Ecológico, Brazil

International Academy of Science, Health & Ecology, Brazil



ATTAC-Québec, Canada

Blue Planet Project, Canada

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, Canada

Canadian Environmental Law Association, Canada

Canadian Fair Trade Network (CFTN), Canada

Common Frontiers, Canada

Council of Canadians, Canada

David Suzuki Foundation, Canada

Friends of the Earth Canada, Canada

MiningWatch Canada, Canada

National Farmers Union, Canada

Projet Accompagnement Québec Guatemala (PAQG), Canada

Public Service Alliance of Canada, Canada

RQMI : Réseau québécois pour une mondialisation inclusive, Canada

Trade Justice Group of Northumberland CofC, Canada

Trade Justice Network, Canada

Ongd AFRICANDO, Canary Islands

Asociación por la Paz y los Derechos Humanos Taula per Mèxic, Catalunya

Rodes Constituent , Catalunya

SETEM Catalunya, Catalunya

Som i Serem, Catalunya

Centro de Ecología Social Ecobarrial, Chile

Chile Mejor sin TLC (Tratados de Libre Comercio), Chile

Chile Sin Ecocidio, Chile

Comité Ambiental Comunal de la comuna de Paine, Chile

Comunidad Ecuménica Martin Luther King, Chile

Mujeres en Marcha, Chile

Observatorio Latinoamericano de Conflictos Ambientales OLCA, Chile

Red de Acción por los Derechos Ambientales RADA, Chile

Colectivo de abogados José Alvear Restrepo, Colombia

Comité Para la Defensa del Agua y El Páramo de Santurbán, Colombia

Kuagro ri Changaina, Colombia

SINEDIAN, Colombia

Appui aux Initiatives Communautaires de Conservation de l’Environnement et de Développement Durable, AICED, Congo, République Démocratique

Ekumenická akademie (Ecumenical Academy), Czech Republic

Re-set : platform for socio-ecological transformation, Czech Republic

Global Aktion, Denmark

NOAH - Friends of the Earth Denmark, Denmark

Acción Ecológica , Ecuador

Centro de Documentación en Derechos Humanos « Segundo Montes Mozo S.J. » (CSMM), Ecuador

Centro de Documentación en Derechos Humanos « Segundo Montes Mozo SJ » (CSMM), Ecuador

Ecuador Decide Mejor sin TLC , Ecuador

FIAN Ecuador, Ecuador

Frente Agroecológico Proaño Vive, Riobamba, Ecuador

Inst. Estudios Ecologistas del Tercer Mundo , Ecuador

Instituto de Estudios Ecologistas , Ecuador

UDAPT, Ecuador

Asociación de Desarrollo Económico Social ADES, El Salvador

Extractivisms and Alternatives Initiative (EXALT), Finland

Maan ystävät / Friends of the Earth Finland, Finland

TTIP Network Finland, Finland

ActionAid France, France


Alofa Tuvalu, France

Asociación Los Pies en la Tierra, France

Attac France, France

BLOOM Association, France

CADTM France (Comité pour l’abolition des dettes illégitimes), France

CCFD - Terre Solidaire, France

Collectif Relais d’Informations & Actions Citoyennes association loi 1901, France

Collectif Stop CETA/Mercosur, France

Fédération Artisans du Monde, France

Fédération syndicale SUD-Energie, France

Fondation Copernic, France

foodwatch France, France

France Amérique Latine, France

France Nature Environnement, France

FSU, France


Gauche Démocratique et Sociale (GDS), France

Générations Futures, France

GERES, France

Igapo Project, France

Les Amis de la Terre France, France

Les Amis du Monde diplomatique, France

Mesure Conservatoire, France

Sherpa, France

Veblen Institute, France

ZEA, France

Arbeitsgemeinschaft bäuerliche Landwirtschaft e.V., Germany

Attac Germany, Germany

Berliner Wassertisch, Germany

Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz e.V., Germany

BUND Nordschwarzwald, Germany

earthlink e.V., Germany

Ecosia, Germany

FDCL-Center for Research and Documentation Chile-Latin America, Germany

Leave it in the Ground (LINGO), Germany

NABU, Germany

NaturFreunde Deutschlands e.V., Germany

Netzwerk gerechter Welthandel, Germany

PowerShift e.V., Germany

Rettet den Regenwald, Germany

Umweltinstitut München e.V., Germany

Wuppertaler Aktionsbündnis Gerechter Welthandel, Germany

Zukunftskonvent Germany, Germany

AbibiNsroma Foundation, Ghana

AbibiNsroma Foundation , Ghana

Friends of the Earth Ghana, Ghana

Consumer Association the Quality of Life-EKPIZO, Greece


Asociacion de Mujeres Ixqaniil Pa’laq Ha’ , Guatemala

Consejo de Investigaciones en Desarrollo, Guatemala

Consejo del Pueblo Maya CPO , Guatemala

Groupe d’Action Francophone pour l’Environnement GAFE Haïti, Haïti

Mouvement national citoyen pour le climat Alternatiba Haïti, Haïti

Fenntarthatóság Felé Egyesület (Towards Sustainability Association), Hungary

National Society of Conservationists - Friends of the Earth Hungary, Hungary

Védegylet Egyesület, Hungary

Anti-Jindal & Anti-POSCO Movement, Odisha, India

Association For Promotion Sustainable Development, India

Centre for Improved Rural Health and Environmental Protection (CIRHEP), India

Growthwatch , India

Indian Social Action Forum , India

Indigenous Perspectives, India

Srushtidnyan, India

The Future We Need, India

Indonesia for Global Justice (IGJ), Indonesia

Koalisi Rakyat untuk Hak atas Air (KRuHA) / People’s Coalition for the Right to Water , Indonesia

Solidaritas Perempuan, Indonesia

Comhlámh, Ireland

Trócaire, Ireland

Ladakh Ecological Development Group, Ladakh

ASTM - Action Solidarité Tiers Monde, Luxembourg

Mouvement Ecologique, Luxembourg

Mouvement Ecologique asbl. / Friends of the Earth, Luxembourg

Consumers’ Association of Penang, Malaysia

Independent Advocacy and Activism of Affordable Medicines for Vulnerable Communities in Malaysia, Malaysia

Sahabat Alam Malaysia (Friends of the Earth Malaysia), Malaysia

Academia Nacional de Educación Ambiental (ANEA), Mexico


Bios Iguana A. C., Mexico


El Colegio de Veracruz, Mexico


Fronteras Comunes, Mexico

Luvina, Mexico

Otros Mundos Chiapas, Mexico

Procesos Integrales para la Autogestión de los Pueblos, Mexico

Red de Información y Acción Ambiental de Vercruz, Mexico

Red Mexicana de Afectadas/os por la Minería (REMA), Mexico

Rizoma Entretejiendo la Defensa de los Bienes Comunes A.C., Mexico

Justiça Ambiental JA ! - Friends of the Earth Mozambique, Mozambique

National Indigenous Women Forum, Nepal

Both ENDS, Netherlands

FNV Dutch Trade Union Organisation, Netherlands

Handel Anders ! coalition, Netherlands

Platform Duurzame en Solidaire Economie, Netherlands

SOMO, Netherlands

Water Justice and Gender, Netherlands

GE Free New Zealand in Food and Environment, New Zealand

Its Our Future Aotearoa New Zealand, New Zealand

Health of Mother Earth Foundation , Nigeria

Human and Environmental Development Agenda, Nigeria

Attac-Norway, Norway

All Pakistan Labour Federation, Pakistan

Union of Palestinian Womens Organisation, Palestine

Colectivo Voces Ecológicas COVEC, Panama

Heñói Centro de Estudios, Paraguay

SOBREVIVENCIA,Amigos de la Tierra Paraguay , Paraguay

Alyansa Tigil Mina (ATM), Philippines

Ang Aroroy Ay Alagaan, Inc. (4As), Philippines

Center for Energy, Ecology, and Development, Philippines

Ecological Society of the Philippines, Philippines

Marian Women Producers Cooperative, Philippines

Sentro ng mga Nagkakaisa at Progresibong Manggagawa (SENTRO), Philippines


Trade Justice Pilipinas, Philippines

WomanHealth Philippines, Philippines

Youth for Climate Hope, Philippines

ACRÉSCIMO - Associação de Promoção ao Investimento Florestal, Portugal

Climáximo, Portugal

Com Calma - Associação Cultural, Portugal

Extinction Rebellion Guimarães, Portugal

IRIS - Associação Nacional de Ambiente, Portugal

OIKOS - Cooperação e Desenvolvimento, Portugal

TROCA - Plataforma por um Comércio Internacional Justo, Portugal

Réseau des associations pour la protection de l’environnement et la nature, Sénégal

Solidarite Ci Sutura, Sénégal

Focus, drustvo za sonaraven razvoj (Focus Association for Sustainable Development), Slovenia

Umanotera, The Slovenian Foundation for Sustainable Development, Slovenia

Biowatch, South Africa

Association of Physicians for Humanism , South Korea

Korea Federation of Environmental Movement(KFEM)-FoE Korea, South Korea

Civil Society Coalition On Natural Resources (CSCNR), South Sudan

Alianza por la Solidaridad, Spain

Amics de la Terra Mallorca, Spain

Amigos de la Tierra / Friends of the Earth, Spain

Asociación Cultural Brasileña Maloka, Spain

Asociación de Permacultura ATTA, Spain

Asociación por la Recuperación del Bosque Autóctono (ARBA), Spain

Associació Cultural i Medi Ambiental Arrels, Spain


Avilaantiespecista, Spain

Campaña No a los Tratados de Comercio e Inversión, Spain

Confederación General del Trabajo CGT, Spain

Confederación Intersindical, Spain

Coordinadora de ONGD-España, Spain

Debt Observatory in Globalisation (ODG), Spain

Des de Baix, Spain

Ecologistas en Acción, Spain


Entrepueblos/Entrepobles/Entrepobos/Herriarte, Spain

Extinction Rebellion, Spain

Feministas por el Clima, Spain

Francisco Muñoz de Bustillo, Spain

Fridays For Future Sevilla , Spain


FSC-COO, Spain

Fundacions Darder Mascaró, Spain

Grup Balear d’Ornitologia i Defensa de la Naturalesa, Spain

Intersindical Valenciana, Spain


Novact, Spain

Observatori DESC, Spain

Observatori DESC de Drets Humans, Spain

Observatorio de Multinacionales en América Latina (OMAL) - Paz con Dignidad, Spain

PARVA - ARBA Paracuellos, Spain

Plataforma Antitérmica La Pereda , Spain

Recortes Cero, Spain

Salva la Selva, Spain

Som Mobilitat SCCL, Spain

STACYL Valladolid, Spain


UNIÓN UNIVERSAL Desarrollo Solidario, Spain

Gami Seva Sevana, Sri Lanka

Afrikagrupperna, Sweden

Framtidsjorden Sweden, Sweden

LM international, Sweden

Pro Natura / Friends of the Earth Switzerland, Switzerland

Public Eye, Switzerland

Indigenous Taiwan Self-Determination Alliance, Taiwan

Mazingira Network - Tanzania (MANET), Tanzania

Sustainable Holistic Development Foundation (SUHODE), Tanzania

ALTSEAN-Burma, Thailand

Community Resource Centre, Thailand


Association formes et couleurs oasienne, Tunisia

Uganda Peace Foundation , Uganda

Balanced Economy Project, United Kingdom

Bretton Woods Project, United Kingdom

Business & Human Rights Resource Centre, United Kingdom

Catholic Agency for Overseas Development, United Kingdom

Compassion in World Farming, United Kingdom

Corner House, United Kingdom

Corporate Justice Coalition, United Kingdom

Debt Justice UK, United Kingdom

EcoNexus, United Kingdom

Ecumenical Council for Corporate Responsibility (ECCR), United Kingdom

Environmental Justice Foundation, United Kingdom

Equality Trust, United Kingdom

Farms not Factories, United Kingdom

Fresh Eyes, United Kingdom

Friends of the Earth England, Wales and Northern Ireland, United Kingdom

Global Justice Now, United Kingdom

Health Poverty Action, United Kingdom

Law for Palestine, United Kingdom

London Mining Network, United Kingdom

New Economics Foundation, United Kingdom

North East Climate Justice Coalition , United Kingdom

One World Week, United Kingdom

Public and Commercial Services Union, United Kingdom

TimeBank Hull and East Riding, United Kingdom

Totnes REconomy Project, United Kingdom

Trade Justice Movement, United Kingdom

Transform Trade (formerly Traidcraft Exchange), United Kingdom

War on Want, United Kingdom

Women’s Budget Group, United Kingdom

350 Bay Area, United States of America

350 Wisconsin, United States of America

American Friends Service Committee, United States of America

Citizens Trade Campaign, United States of America

Climate Action Rhode Island, United States of America

Climate in your hands, United States of America

Corporate Accountability, United States of America

Holy Cross International Justice Office, United States of America

Honor The Earth, United States of America

Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, United States of America

Institute for Policy Studies, Global Economy Project , United States of America

Just Transition Alliance, United States of America

Local Futures, United States of America

NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice, United States of America

Occupy Bergen County, United States of America

People’s Green New Deal - Madison Wisconsin, United States of America

Public Citizen, United States of America

Rethink Trade, United States of America

Save Our Illinois Land, United States of America

Trade Justice Education Fund , United States of America

United Church of Christ, Justice and Local Church Ministries, United States of America

US El Salvador Sister Cities , United States of America

REDES-Amigos de la Tierra Uruguay, Uruguay

Yemeni Observatory for Human Rights, Yemen

Voir en ligne Statement on ISDS and climate


[3IPCC, Climate change 2022 : mitigation of climate change, 2022, p14-72 & p14-81

[4Elizabeth Meager, “Cop26 targets pushed back under threat of being suedCapital Monitor, 2022

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