China fascinates as much as it worries. An increasingly strong candidate for the status of the world’s leading power, it plays by rules that differ from those of the Western world. For the Global South then, this Chinese « threat » sometimes looks like an opportunity, even if the risks of new relations of dependence and exploitation are very real.
Internally too, visions of a homogeneous and conquering China must be put into perspective. The contradictions (economic, social, environmental) are indeed multiple, and resistance, although difficult, is far from non-existent...
To discuss this, we will welcome several contributors to the latest issue of Alternatives Sud devoted to an analysis of the rising Chinese power :
- Walden Bello (« The Belt and Road Initiative : Grand Plan for Domination or Strategy for Crisis ? »), Filipino sociologist and writer, founder and former executive director of Focus on the Global South, former member of parliament, professor of sociology at several universities, and recipient of the « Alternative Nobel Prize » in 2003.
- Shawn Shieh (« The Remaking of China’s Civil Society under Xi Jinping »), political scientist and founder and director of Social Innovations Advisory, a consulting firm that helps NGOs and social enterprises run innovative programs in China and the Asia-Pacific region.
- Cai Yiping (« Women’s rights and organizing in China in the conjuncture of COVID-19 and Beijing+25 »), author and feminist activist, member of the executive committee of the international network Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era (DAWN) and co-founder of several Chinese women’s rights NGOs.