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CETRI is ...

Centre tricontinental (CETRI) is a centre for study, publications and capacity-building on North-South relations and the challenges of globalisation in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

CETRI’s aim is to echo viewpoints from the South and to contribute to a critical reflection on development policies at a time of North-South reconfigurations. It focuses in particular on understanding the role of social and political actors fighting for the recognition of social, political, cultural and ecological rights in the South.

Non-governmental organisation founded in 1976 and based in Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium), CETRI is devoted to four types of activity: study, publication, capacity-building and consultancy. The main themes addressed in CETRI’s work in recent years have been socio-environmental and democratic mobilisations, the new challenges of globalisation, the rise of the global South and the mutations in international cooperation.

Ongoing activities

  • Alternatives Sud (Southern alternatives) is a three-monthly publication created in 1994 with the aim of making the points of view known of researchers, activists and intellectuals in the South concerning development and globalisation.
  • Southern Social Movements News Wire : a multilingual portal of news and background articles on mobilisations in Africa, Asia and Latin America.
  • Documentation centre Southern Reviews : a selection of reviews from Africa, Asia and Latin America gathered in a virtual portal of the best Journals from the South, accessible here.
  • Capacity-building and consultance : training courses on new North-South issues in globalisation, tailor-made training courses at the request of institutions or associations, evaluations, consultancy and capacity-building for social actors.

CETRI is also... a centre for study and training on North-South relations, development issues and social movements; an NGO providing critical support for emancipation and social movements dynamics in the South; an accommodation centre at the Louvain-la-Neuve site for students and doctoral candidates from the South.


Most of CETRI’s activities seek to work broadly with a network of research institutions, study centres, NGO’s and other partner organisations in Latin America, Africa and Asia.
In Belgium CETRI is a member of the National Centre of Cooperation and Development (CNCD-11.11.11) and Acodev, the federation of French and German language organisations for cooperation and development.