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Entre le Vietnam, l’Algérie et la Palestine, passer le flambeau de la lutte (...)

Hamza Hamouchene 12/12/24

Introduction « La révolution n’est pas un dîner de gala ; elle ne se fait pas comme une œuvre littéraire, un dessin ou une broderie ; elle ne peut s’accomplir avec autant d’élégance, de tranquillité et de délicatesse » Mao Zedong, 1927 (Zedong, 1953). « (...)

Green hydrogen : A new mechanism of plunder and exploitation

Elyes et Saber Ben Ammar 28/05/24

Tunisia’s Green Hydrogen Strategy, developed with Germany’s GIZ, plans to export over 6 million tonnes to Europe by 2050. While praised, it overlooks the significant costs to Tunisia’s vital sectors, prioritizing EU needs over local interests. In (...)

Indonesia’s export ban on raw minerals

Rachmi Hertanti 03/07/23

Between a mineral and a hard place. In the era of the energy transition, questions of state control and power are back on the agenda in a big way. All of these dynamics are coming to the fore now, particularly as the US and the EU – seeking to (...)

Lessons from the Indian Farmers’ Movement

Amod Shah, Katie Sandwel 01/06/23

Emerging solidarities in the Kisan Andolan This issue brief explores the frameworks and processes of alliance formation that contributed to the remarkable success of the Kisan Andolan. Introduction Large protests by Indian farmers in 2020 and (...)

Digital Ecosocialism : Breaking the power of Big Tech

Michael Kwet, Transnational Institute 07/06/22

We can no longer ignore the role of Big Tech in entrenching global inequality. To curtail the forces of digital capitalism, we need an ecosocialist Digital Tech Deal. This article by Michael Kwet and illustration by Zoran Svilar were originally (...)

The 2019 Iraqi uprising and the feminist imagination

Zahra Ali 18/11/21

In ‘Uhud Mountain’ – a tall, abandoned building in Tahrir Square in central Baghdad, facing the Green Zone – young men and women protestors who had taken over the building chanted Inryd watan (We want a country) and Nazel akhuz haqqy (I am coming (...)

Colombia’s popular uprisings

Danilo Urrea, Lyda Fernanda Forero 29/06/21

As Popular Uprisings continue across Colombia, they have been met with brutal repression from an alliance of neoliberal, right-wing and extreme-right forces. Who are the people involved ? How did we get here ? And what’s the way out ? Recent (...)

Deep and comprehensive dependency : How a trade agreement with the EU could (...)


Tunisia has undergone radical changes in the past decade, and faces more in the years to come, if the EU has its way. As the first country to topple its dictator in early 2011, it set off a chain of revolutions across North Africa and West Asia (...)

Latin America’s battle with COVID-19 is being hampered by international (...)

Bettina Müller, Cecilia Olivet 25/08/20

Peru, Mexico, Argentina, Bolivia and Guatemala are just some of the Latin American countries being hit by the investment protection regime in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Foreign investors are threatening to bring claims before (...)

The Corporation : State of Power 2020


The Corporation is capitalism’s preeminent institution, dominating our economy, distorting our politics and reshaping society. TNI’s ninth flagship State of Power report delves deep into the changing nature of the corporation in a time of (...)

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