Sudanese have been going out on the streets for non-violent, peaceful protests for more than three months since the military coup on October 25, 2021. Thousands of demonstrators have been defying a ban on protests and have marched in Khartoum (...)
From time to time, South Africa is rudely reminded that its past continues to make its present and future difficult. It does not always recognise this reality when it sees it. The latest – and most shocking – reminder is the violence which (...)
China’s response to the recent coronavirus outbreak has been heavily scrutinised in terms of whether it has been effective or not. But most analyses have overlooked the broader impact that the evolving response to virus might have for the way (...)
La réaction de la Chine à l’épidémie de coronavirus est suivie de très près, mais la plupart des analyses portent avant tout sur son degré d’efficacité. Un aspect important est souvent négligé : l’impact que cette réaction aura sur le fonctionnement de (...)
India’s recently passed Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019 is a frontal assault on the idea of India as a secular, pluralist democracy. For the first time, legal sanction has been given to the recasting of India as a Hindu majoritarian nation (...)
South Africa’s governing African National Congress (ANC) celebrates its 107th birthday this year against a backdrop of an election campaign it’s likely to win handily – but which is likely to mask its longer-term decline. January 8 is the day the (...)
Un récent sondage crédite le candidat de l’extrême droite Jair Bolsonaro de 57% des votes. Le futur gouvernement sera militaire, et dans les villes, les croix gammées envahissent déjà les façades des universités. On est loin de ce que l’on appelle du « (...)
Les opérations militaires d’Assad et de Poutine en Syrie ont un nom : c’est une guerre d’extermination. Celle-ci atteint désormais une échelle sans précédent : le bombardement délibéré des civils, notamment femmes, enfants et secouristes des Casques (...)