Despite uneven economic recovery since the pandemic, poverty, inequality, and food insecurity continue to worsen, including in the Asia-Pacific, which used to fare better than the rest of the South. Despite uneven economic recovery since the (...)
Despite earlier income convergence among nations, many low-income countries (LICs) and people are falling further behind. Worse, the number of poor and hungry has been increasing again after declining for decades. After the post-Second World (...)
Oxfam expects the world’s first trillionaire within a decade and poverty to end in 229 years ! The wealth of the world’s five richest men has more than doubled from 2020, as 4.8 billion people became poorer. Oxfam expects the world’s first (...)
Many low-income countries (LICs) continue to slip further behind the rest of the world. Meanwhile, people in extreme poverty have been increasing again after decades of decline. Falling further behind World output more than doubled from $36 (...)
Since 2008, farmland acquisitions have doubled prices worldwide, squeezing family farmers and other poor rural communities. Such land grabs are worsening inequality, poverty, and food insecurity. KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, Jun 17 2024 (IPS) - (...)
Un nuevo informe realizado por el Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia (UNICEF), la ONG internacional Save the Children y la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT) reafirma la apremiante necesidad de extender protección social a (...)
El último informe divulgado esta semana por la Red Penssan (Red Brasileña de Investigación en Soberanía y Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional) ha revelado cifras dramáticas de la situación de la miseria y el hambre en este país que, paradojalmente, es (...)
Dos hechos evidentes. Por un lado, la falta de democratización de las sociedades centroamericanas -y la consiguiente inseguridad física, social, medioambiental o política- como la principal razón para tener que huir de la región. Por otro lado, las (...)
Deux constats criants. D’une part, l’absence de démocratisation des sociétés centro-américaines – et l’insécurité physique, sociale, environnementale ou politique qui en résulte – comme ressort premier de la nécessité de fuir la région. D’autre part, les (...)
Réformer le mode de production des grandes industries et le niveau de consommation des populations les plus riches. Mieux, les transformer. Sous peine d’hypothéquer le sort des générations futures en aggravant celui des actuelles, dont les (...)