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Thailand on the Brink of Change

Kheetanat Synth Wannaboworn, Walden Bello 18/07/23

The next few days leading up to July 13 will probably be the most decisive days in Thailand after nearly a decade of military rule. The key question on everyone’s mind is, will the conservative forces allow the young leader of the Move Forward (...)

Philippines election : Challenges and future prospects

Cédric Leterme 08/08/22

On May the 4th 2022, five days before the presidential elections in the Philippines, CETRI had a conversation with four members of Focus on the Global South to better understand Rodrigo Duterte’s legacy and the stakes surrounding his succession. (...)

Assessing Duterte’s legacy and political future

Cédric Leterme 08/08/22

On May the 4th 2022, five days before the presidential elections in the Philippines, CETRI had a conversation with four members of Focus on the Global South to better understand Rodrigo Duterte’s legacy and the stakes surrounding his succession. (...)

Élections présidentielles aux Philippines : défis et perspectives (...)

Cédric Leterme 12/05/22

Le 4 mai 2022, cinq jours avant les élections présidentielles aux Philippines, qui ont consacré la victoire de Ferdinand « Bongbong » Marcos Junior, fils du dictateur Ferdinand Marcos, le CETRI s’est entretenu avec quatre membres de l’ONG Focus on the (...)

Élections présidentielles 2022 aux Philippines  : Entretien avec Focus on the (...)

Cédric Leterme 09/05/22

Le 4 mai 2022, cinq jours avant les élections présidentielles aux Philippines, qui ont consacré la victoire de Ferdinand «  Bongbong  » Marcos Junior, fils du dictateur Ferdinand Marcos, le CETRI s’est entretenu avec quatre membres du bureau manillais (...)

Unpacking RCEP : What Governments are Not Saying about the Mega Free-Trade (...)

Joseph Purugganan 06/04/21

An intervention by Joseph Purugannan (Focus on the Global South, Trade Justice Philipinas, RCEP* campaign) at the panel discussion organized by the International Manifesto Group on March 28th : Unpacking China’s New Trade Deals. * RCEP Regional (...)

RCEP : an unjust deal and added burden in the time of a pandemic


Trade Justice Pilipinas statement on the signing of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement, posted by Focus on the Global South : In the midst of a global pandemic and despite strong peoples’ opposition, governments are (...)

How have Asian Governments responded to the covid-19 Pandemic ?

Shalmali Guttal 10/05/20

The covid-19 pandemic has made visible the stark realities of social, economic and political inequality in Asia. Class and social privilege, race/ethnicity, gender, occupation and age determine who are most vulnerable to the virus and disease. (...)

RCEP free-trade agreement : the meaning of India’s exit

Benny Kuruvilla 19/11/19

On November 4, at the 3rd RCEP Summit in Nonthabhuri, Prime Minister Modi chose to pull India out of the 16 nation mega trade treaty. The RCEP, touted as the world’s largest Free Trade Agreement (FTA) has been under negotiation for the past 7 (...)

Stopping the Slide : Democracy and Human Rights Decline under Duterte

Joseph Purugganan 17/05/19

From his pulpit at the State of the Nation Address (SONA) in Congress, Duterte once again rebuked human rights activists and their criticism against his violent war on drugs, by saying “your concern is human rights, mine is human lives.” As (...)

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